With this thought in mind and heart, Quantum Leap Systems, team with facilitation from our globally placed Intellectual Capital set out to research, develop and roll out solutions that ease life. With quick and affordable access to information & technology in every household, it has become a fertile ground to develop and deliver solutions at doorsteps that make life easy. Since evolution, mankind has always thrived to explore energy sources, sunlight, fire then electricity, on which its very existence depend upon. Over last century energy has become the pivotal point as it finds numerous life and non-life applications, with batteries taking the center stage since last one decade. mibattri, was researched and developed to meet the endless needs of energy in variety of commercial and noncommercial applications which impact the day to day human life around it. An online platform that provides access to easy, quick and affordable batteries, smart devices and services that enhance battery life-performance and make life easy and ensure that you are always go to go when you have to “Our natural environment is what we are made from and continue to be a function of it, and hence can never be overlooked, not now, not in future”. With the above thought, mibattri also strives to work on: