Battery swapping is a technique that consists of swapping a discharged battery especially electric 2 wheeler or 4 wheeler battery with one that is already charged. This would replace recharging, thus eliminating long downtimes and delays – one of the major limitations of zero-emission vehicles.
Advantages Especially for EV’s
Reduced Charge Time
Unlike dedicated charging, battery swapping can offer fast recharge (10 seconds for swapping versus 5 hours for dedicated park-and-charge solution)
Decreased Range Anxiety and Increased Travel Range
One of the major benefits of battery swapping network/ infrastructure, in particular for LEVs with no pedals, is eliminating range anxiety for the end consumer. Heavy commuters who use e-bikes, often carry multiple charged up battery packs with them to have peace of mind and be able to travel longer ranges. If a battery swapping network is spread out with large area coverage, users will be able to travel longer distances by making a quick stop and getting a fully charged battery on their way.
Reduced adoption cost for LEVs
The company that builds the battery swapping network (and potentially the LEVs) can lease the batteries (or the LEV) to the end consumer to lower the barrier of adoption and make more profit in the long run.
Higher battery quality
Since battery packs are constantly in circulation in a battery swapping network, the owner/operators of such a network will maintain the batteries to make sure they have the desired capacity and performance; the consumer will enjoy high-quality packs and consistent battery power.