Battery Care & Maintenance
Taking good care of your battery will help to extend its service life. For tips on how to keep your battery in top condition, please follow the links below.
Regular testing and inspection will help to maximize battery life. A routine inspection at least once a month is recommended to maintain optimum performance.
Use the following as a guide when examining your battery:
- Take care of the cleanliness of the battery, observe for corrosion and rust.
- The battery should be kept inadequate space.
- Check for the level of the electrolyte and maintain the level of the electrolyte as specified by the manufacturer
- Check for any leakage in the battery.
- Always pour distilled water if the level of water goes down and fill 75% only. If the water
- filled fully and when we kept the battery on the charge it spills over the battery and floor.
- Check the battery voltage between terminals and terminal to earth.
- Do not keep the battery in an ideal state for a long time. Keep continuing charge and discharge regularly.
- Do not discharge the battery more than 80% of their rated capacity.
- Check the connections on the terminal it should be tight and apply some grease over it for protection against corrosion.